For the first time, the amazing benefits of the ELDOA postural exercises are available to the industry professional or avid golfer in a concise, three-hour video instructional class. This class is not an ELDOA Certification course but serves as an introduction to ELDOA by focusing on the ELDOA exercises that are most beneficial to golfers. The exercises and routines outlined in ELDOA FOR GOLF are the perfect complement to existing strength, mobility or rehabilitation routines. Unlike traditional stretching or myofascial release programs, ELDOA FOR GOLF targets the body’s fascia and increases the space between specific joints of the spine resulting in a wide range of physiological benefits for an athlete including:

  • A reduction of pressure on spinal discs allowing for normalization of movement
  • Relief from neck pain, back pain and shoulder tension
  • Better posture and improved joint mechanics
  • Spinal disc rehydration and improved circulation
  • Improved balance, stability, mobility, flexibility, proprioception and muscle tone
  • Improved injury recovery and recovery time from sports activity and training
  • Stress and headache reduction as well as better sleep quality

Taught by two Certified ELDOA Trainers and TPI Certified Level 3 Instructors with deep backgrounds training and rehabilitating some of the best golfers in the world, Dan Hellman and Janet Alexander walk the viewer through the exercises and workouts created to maximize performance both on and off the golf course.



ELDOA FOR GOLF is designed to allow the viewer to quickly and easily learn each individual ELDOA exercise, each Myofascial stretching technique or follow along in real time with one of the three full-length ELDOA workouts. The intuitive layout of the course makes it easy to go back again and again ensuring the detail of each exercised is mastered.

Step by Step ELDOA Instruction

Details and precision are critical when performing ELDOA postural exercises in order to maximize the beneficial impact. Dan and Janet walk the viewer through each exercise highlighting the subtle positional differences and points of emphasis. The joint-by-joint approach to the ELDOA practice allows the practitioner to select the individual exercises needed to target a specific area of the body that needs special attention or focus.

Warmup Mobility Exercises

Integrated into an ELDOA routine or used as individual warmup exercises to target specific areas of the body, the Warmup section of the course ensures the athlete is primed and ready to engage in any activity. Areas targeted include the hips, ankles, pelvis, shoulders, neck and spine.

Myofascial Stretches

Myofascial stretching is designed to stretch the fascia that surrounds the muscle, not the muscle itself. This unique form of stretching is a critical component of the ELDOA FOR GOLF class, as it allows the targeted joint to be opened up by the ELDOA exercises. In this section, Dan Hellman takes the viewer through numerous fascial stretches that target specific areas throughout the body.

ELDOA Upper-Body Workouts

ELDOA FOR GOLF exercises can be performed individually or combined to create full-body workout programs. When combined, these routines can be challenging but fun and require focus and attention to detail. The two upper-body programs created for this class are approximately 21 minutes each and are equally affective in both group training or solo training regimens.

ELDOA Lower-Body Workout

The ELDOA FOR GOLF lower-body program is a 41-minute comprehensive routine designed by Dan Hellman and Janet Alexander. The upper-body and lower-body ELDOA workouts can be practiced daily, weekly or anytime a challenging mobility workout is needed. As with all of the individual ELDOA exercises, the workouts can be used as stand-alone programs or used to complement existing training, mobility or rehabilitation routines.

The Big 12 for ELDOA

TPI Co-Founders Dr. Greg Rose and Dave Phillips review the Big 12 swing characteristics and recommend which of the ELDOA FOR GOLF exercises and full-body workouts can be applied to target the mobility restrictions often associated with each swing characteristic.

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