Iphone Wind Meter
By Dave Phillips
Use your Iphone to estimate the speed of the wind !!!!
Does your Golf Shoe Fit ?
By Dave Phillips
Shoes come in all shapes and sizes to fit all the different feet our their but maybe you should ask a few more questions before you buy your next pair of golf shoes.
Golf Mtrx
By Dave Phillips
Golf MTRx is an iPhone/iPod touch app designed to measure your hip mechanics during a golf swing. The app displays precise and relevant biomechanics data in a visually simple and intuitive format to help you learn and improve.
Iphone goes healthy
By Dave Phillips
Check out this new gadget from Zensorium that measures some of your vital signs with an Iphone.
Capture Methods Overview
By Greg Rose
Here is a quick overview of differnet types of 3D motion capture systems available today!
By Greg Rose
C-Posture is named for the excessive rounding of the upper back at set up (looks like the letter "c"). See why this posture is so prevelant in today's society and how to correct this in the gym.
Boxing, Golf and fast twitch muscle fiber!
By Dave Phillips
Is training like a Boxer good for your golf game ?
Coordination and Movement Skill Development - The Key to Long Term Athletic Success
By Brian Grasso
The following article provides some basic exercises that you can use with your young athletes to help develop elements of coordination.
What Questions Should I be Prepared to Answer During a Campus Visit?
By John Brooks
Anticipating these topics will help you formulate quality answers.
5 Key Fundamentals
By Dave Phillips
What are the key fundamentals to a great golf swing? Is it a straight left arm, a big shoulder turn, a flat left wrist, a stable right leg, or maybe just a good left hand at impact?
The Power of Water
By Dr. Greg Rose
Don Tolman and Dr. Greg Rose discuss how important water is for golfers.
3 Bays GSA Swing Analyzer
By Dave Phillips
Swing analyzer that might help fix your slice.
Should all the body parts reach the top of backswing at the same time?
By Phil Cheetham
This is a question we get all the time - but the short answer is NO!
Buying a New Putter
By Dave Phillips
There are two basic putter fundamentals you want to check the next time you decide to buy a new putter: shaft length and offset.
Darren Clarke with Dr. Karl Morris
By Dave Phillips
Golf-The Mind Factor
Food Combinations - The Do's and Dont's
By Dave Phillps
Did you know that certain foods should be eaten together, while other combinations should be avoided at all costs? Learn more.
Put a little gas in your game
By Dave Phillips
If you are lacking power in your game and you never seem to hit the ball as solidly as you should. Then let’s put a little Gas in your game by turning your knuckles down.
Samsung Galaxy Camera
By Dave Phillips
This new technology from Samsung merges camera and phone capabilities, to create a new kind of Camera.
Strengths and Weaknesses
By Dr. Greg Rose
Here are two simple pearls of wisdom that I live and train by!
Developing Balance in Junior Golfers
By Dr. Greg Rose
This article talks about the importance of developing balance in kids under the age of 8 years old for their golf swing.