Fitness Level 3 Certification
The Level 3 Fitness Certification is a three-day hands on learning experience. It is now time to put into practice all the personal training skills that were taught in Level 1 and Level 2 Fitness. Get personalized coaching from some of the best in the golf-fitness business. Dr. Greg Rose, Jason Glass, Janet Alexander and Lance Gill are your main hosts for the three days. Combined, they have over 50 years of experience in working with some of the best professional golfers in the world. Special guest to this workshop (depending on location) include Robert Yang, Dr. Mark Smith and Dave Phillips.
Bundling Discounts Available
When you bundle two or more Certification courses, you receive $100 off Level 1, $200 off each Level 2 and $300 off each Level 3.
- Ex: L1 ($100 off) + L2 ($200 off) = $300 Discount
- Ex: L1 ($100 off) + L2 ($200 off) + L3 ($300 off) = $600 Discount
- L2 ($200 off) + L2 ($200 off) = $400 Discount
- L2 ($200 off) + L3 ($300 off) = $500 Discount
The option to add a qualifying Certification course will be available in your checkout cart. Upon selection, the bundling discount will be applied automatically.
No events scheduled - check back soon
Shenzhen - Fitness 3
*Number of instructors at each seminar can vary depending upon location. For both North America and International seminars, refer to the seminar’s registration page for the instructors scheduled to teach.

Day 1 – Master The Diagnosis & the Body-Swing Connection
Day One is a complete immersion into the world of TPI. Learn and practice performing the entire TPI Fitness evaluation. Each participant will master the process of screening a golfer for mobility, stability, strength, power, agility and endurance.
It's now time to learn how to master the progressions needed to fix the faults identified in the Level 1 screen. Learn our favorite progressions to fix everything from a failed Pelvic Tilt Test to the Lower Quarter Rotation Test. We will walk through detailed progressions including mobility, stability and motor control drills for each screen.

Day 2 – Fitness Progressions
Day Two is focuses on all the workout progressions discussed in the Level 2 Fitness Class. The 4X4 Functional Matrix, 3X3 Strength Matrix and 4X4 Power Matrix will all be covered in extreme detail.

Day 3 – Female Golfers & Nutrition
Janet Alexander will review the differences involved in training the female golfer. She will discuss everything from modifying exercises based on hormone cycles to training the pelvic floor. Robert Yang will also join us and cover all the important aspects of nutritional counseling for golfers.

PGA Members may claim the following PDR “Required Education” credits.
- Fitness 3 three-day seminar - 24 PDR “Required Education” credits

LPGA Members may claim the following Non-LPGA Continuing Education Units.
- Fitness 3 three-day seminar - 12 Non-LPGA CU’s

The American Council on Exercise has approved the TPI Fitness Level 3 Three Day Seminar for the following Continuing Education Credits:
- Fitness Level 3 Three Day Seminar - 2.1 CEC’s
NASM - National Academy of Sports Medicine
TPI is recognized by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) as an approved CE provider. NASM Members can claim the following CEU’s:
- Fitness Level 3 three day seminar - 1.9 NASM CEUs
- Must be Credentialed/Licensed to perform personal training (eg. AAPT, ACE, ACSM, AFAA, AFPA, ATC, CHEK, CSCS, Cooper, Exercise Science Degree, IFPA, ISSA, NASM, NCSF, NESTA, NETA, NFPT, NPTI, NSCA, USCI, etc.)
- Must be TPI Level 1 and Fitness 2 Certified
- Must successfully pass the Fitness 3 examination
Note: Individuals who are not Credentialed/Licensed to perform personal training may still complete Fitness 3 and will receive a Fitness 3 "Minor" designation in their Expert Profile upon successfully passing the Fitness 3 examination.