As a TPI Certified Level 1 golf instructor, you know how to physically screen a player to establish the Body-Swing Connection - a fundamental component of being a great instructor. Identifying any underlying causes of dysfunction or inefficiency is a prerequisite for effective coaching, but addressing them is what sets an elite golf instructor apart.
An elite golf coach must think like a detective, sifting through a sea of data to find the root cause of why a player performs the way they do, and then develop a plan for them to incrementally improve. Being able to do this systematically is what the best coaches in the world do, and is why TPI developed Golf 2.
TPI’s Golf 2 online course Certification provides the tools and guidance needed to navigate the complex world of golf instruction so that you can dramatically improve your player’s performance in the quickest, most efficient way possible.
Golf 2 Certification
- Includes online Certification course
- Includes 1 year of Active Certification Status for FREE
- Includes the ability to attend any optional Golf 2 Seminar or Webinar for FREE
- Continuing Education Credits Available - View Providers
When coaching a player, where do you begin?
Expert coaches need a complete understanding of every aspect of the game to know with certainty, why a golfer performs the way they do.

Ball Flight Principles:
Do you have complete mastery of why the ball flies the way it does? Do you understand how launch monitor data is generated and what it REALLY means?
How to Manipulate Ball Flight:
Learn how attack angle, club path and face angle changes with different swing setups and how each combination can yield different ball flight patterns.

Teaching Around Physical Limitations:
You’ve identified a physical issue with the TPI Level 1 screen. Do you improve the physical issue or do you teach around the limitation?
Big 12 Swing Characteristic Drills:
Your player shows one or more Big 12 characteristics. Should you try and eliminate it and if so, what are the best drills for doing so?

The Wedge Game:
Do you have a proven system to teach the wedge game across every possible shot a player may encounter?
Putting technique is critical, but do you have a method for determining why your player is falling short? Is it technique? Speed control? Green reading? Eyesight? How do you test for these?

The Science of Practice:
Do you know if your practice programs are designed in a way to maximize improvement? Is your lesson management right for each player and in each situation?
Visual Assessment:
Is your player’s vision impacting their performance? Do you know how to test for limitations and if found, how to correct them?

The Science of Ball-Flight
Learn how to use the latest technology to help your students hit the ball further and straighter than ever before. Dave Phillips and Dr. Greg Rose discuss the mechanics of ball-flight, clearly define the 13 potential ball flights and use advanced visual graphics to explain what makes the golf ball move in various directions. Learn how to control and manipulate ball-flight with a deeper understanding of ball-flight mechanics.
Teaching Around Physical Limitations
Learn how to teach around the limitations found in the TPI Level 1 assessment screen in order to give your students immediate improvement right on the lesson tee.
Taught by short-game guru James Sieckmann, James describes why the wedge swing is completely different from the full swing and how to teach wedge mechanics to golfers at any skill level. James covers 3D biomechanics of the short-game, chipping, pitching, distance wedges and a variety of specialty shots around the green.
Dave Phillips takes students through the art and science of putting. Learn how to evaluate a player’s putting skills, green reading, starting the ball on line, speed control, practice programs and equipment.
Visual Assessment
Dr. Rose discusses the role of vision and how the eyes can influence the game. He shows how characteristics like eye dominance or depth perception can dramatically alter putting and full swing mechanics.
Practice Principles
Dr. Rose with the help of Dr. Tim Lee, share practical strategies proven to accelerate a student’s learning and enhance the transfer of skills to the golf course. Understanding the science of motor learning and how to apply these skills to lesson programs is one of the most important factors in creating a successful teaching plan.
After you purchase the Golf 2 online Certification course, you can then attend any optional Golf 2 webinar or in-person seminar for FREE.
No events scheduled - check back soon
No events scheduled - check back soon
Who is Golf 2 for and are there any prerequisites?
Anybody who is TPI Level 1 Certified can purchase TPI Golf 2.
However, only qualified golf instructors will receive TPI Golf 2 Certification as a Major once they pass their Certification test. A qualified golf instructor is anyone who is in the business of golf instruction (PGA Certification, College or Team Coach, Assistant Golf Professional, etc.)
Anybody who is not a qualified golf instructor will receive TPI Golf 2 Certification as a Minor once they pass their Certification test.
Majors and Minors appear in TPI’s Find an Expert map under each member’s profile and help website visitors quickly determine a TPI Certified members’s qualifications.
Who are the instructors?
Can I get Continuing Education Credits with this purchase?
Yes! We supply a Certificate of Completion to be used for CEC redemption with the following organizations:

PGA Members may claim the following PDR “Required Education” credits.
- Golf 2 online certification course - 10 PDR “Required Education” credits

LPGA Members may claim the following Non-LPGA Continuing Education Units.
- Golf 2 online certification course - 4 Non-LPGA CU’s

On completion/participation of this course, PGA Professionals will be provided with valid supporting evidence and information from TPI so that it can be added as a structured formal learning opportunity on their CPD records.
®PGA is a registered trademark of The Professional Golfers’ Association Limited.
What languages are available?
The Golf 2 online Certification course can be viewed with closed captions in the languages below.
Who can attend Golf 2 events?
For first-time purchasers: Once you have completed your purchase of the Golf 2 online Certification course, you can then register to attend any upcoming Golf 2 webinar or in-person seminar for free. You can continue to attend as many events for free for as long as your Certification status remains Active. Your purchase of Golf 2 includes one year of Active Certification.
For existing TPI Golf 2 or Golf 3 Certified members: If you are currently Active Golf 2 or Golf 3 Certified or in the process of becoming Golf 2 or Golf 3 Certified from a previous purchase, you can register to attend any upcoming Golf 2 webinar or in-person seminar for free. You can continue to attend as many events for free for as long as your Certification status remains Active. You can check your Active Certification status and expiration date here.
Do you offer bundle discounts for multiple course purchases?
Yes! You can bundle any combination of Certification courses. Bundle two or more Certification courses and receive $100 off Level 1, $200 off each Level 2 and $300 off each Level 3. Examples below:
- L1 ($100 off) + L2 ($200 off) = $300 Discount
- L1 ($100 off) + L2 ($200 off) + L3 ($300 off) = $600 Discount
- L2 ($200 off) + L2 ($200 off) = $400 Discount
- L2 ($200 off) + L3 ($300 off) = $500 Discount
The option to add a qualifying Certification course will be available in your checkout cart. Upon selection, the bundling discount will be applied automatically.