Casey Epstein

Casey Epstein

Casey Epstein

Dr. Casey Epstein is a Performance Physical Therapist with focus on Golf Rehab and Performance.

Casey earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Miami in 2014, with a major in Exercise Physiology and his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Medical University of South Carolina in 2019.   Fun fact: Casey is also a PGA Level 1 Associate. 

Casey began his clinical career in South Carolina, moving back to New York to open and run a De Novo office in
Downtown Manhattan before moving back to Long Island in 2020. After a year in a sports-focused outpatient clinic, Casey took on the position of Lead Team Physical Therapist at Long Island University, serving all of LIU’s 38 Division I teams and over 1200 athletes. In addition, Casey has worked with the United States Olympic Bobsled, Skeleton, Luge and Biathlon teams at the U.S. Olympic Training Facility in Lake Placid, New York on numerous occasions.  
A college ice hockey player, competitive golfer and all-around sports enthusiast, Casey has seen athletes of all levels and ages struggle with physical limitations that either hindered their ability to reach their potential or sidelined them altogether, eliminating both the physical and social benefits that they’d previously enjoyed.
Whether he’s working with a highly skilled athlete, weekend warrior or patient looking to address a nagging injury or battle the effects of aging, Casey applies his TPI training and clinical experiences to address physical challenges and limitations.

He delivers techniques to produce better results and help patients of all skill levels and ages to proactively avoid or recover from injury. 

Mindful of the time and effort it takes for a patient to regularly receive physical therapy, he strives to make every visit
worthwhile and challenging, but equally enjoyable.

Professions: Medical Professional Golf Professional
Credentials: PT DPT PGA Apprentice

TPI Certifications

TPI Certified Level 1

Medical Level 3

Golf Level 2

Power Level 2


How to find me:

Location: Lawrence Yacht and Country Club
Address: 101 causeway drive , Lawrence , NY 11559, United States

Location: Ivy Rehab Physical Therapy
Address: 225 Merrick Road, Lynbrook, NY 11518, United States

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