Tonya Tittle

Tonya Tittle

Tonya Tittle

Tonya holds a masters degree from the University of Southern Mississippi in Exercise Science and a Bachelors Degree in Physical Education/Health and Wellness Leadership. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist with focus area sports massage and injury management. She is an ACSM-certified personal trainer with over 33 years experience in the fitness industry. Tonya was a cross county and track collegiate athlete, has competed in triathlons, kayak races and currently cross trains with numerous sports and places functional movements of high importance for herself and for her clients. Full bio on her website Since 2002 she has brought her passion for fitness and customer-service excellence to Energy Fitness. Tonya loves teaching a holistic approach to fitness and nutrition while inspiring her clients to believe in themselves.
“I love owning a boutique fitness studio in specializing in personal training & nutrition coaching.” She is glad to have in her LMT toolbox certifications (Rock Tape Cupping, Blading & Taping) along with exercise prescriptions already in the toolbox.
TPI certification gives me even more credentials and skills able to help screen for physical limitations and weaknesses in the body. Once you access yours then we can start making your golf or tennis swing or general posture better so you can be the best you can be. After are only as strong as your weakest link. Functional movement screens are essential to my golfing, tennis and athletic clients as well as the everyday individual that loses mobility or has chronic pain. I Would love to help YOU!

Professions: Fitness Professional Medical Professional
Credentials: ACSM LMT

TPI Certifications

TPI Certified Level 1


How to find me:

Location: Energy Fitness
Phone: 901-466-6242
Address: 898 N. Hwy 25 Bypass, Greenville, SC 29617, United States

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