Andre Martel

Andre Martel

Andre Martel

As a self-admitted golf nerd I have always been eager to learn new things about our favourite game! With all the time on my hands during the Covid19 pandemic I decided to immerse myself in reading and researching bigger and better things.

As a man in his early 50's and a golfer of 40+ years, I recently have been spending a lot of time with golf-specific fitness, stretching and other aspects of golf and that led me to TPI.

I'd be very interested to work with any and all golfers and also TPI professionals with specific areas of expertise.

I am available for screenings and I look forward to helping people improve their game by helping them understand how their body is affecting it and then discuss what can be done to help!

If you're a golf pro with with students - I can help! I'm a low single digit handicap and speak your language!

If you're a personal trainer working with golfers - I can help! I am very health conscious and work out regularly with a trainer so I understand the dynamic. Also, I have dealt with many of the common issues that golfers deal with (or don't know they deal with lol) and can help you help them!

If you're a golfer that wants to know if there's any other than practice and exercise that might help - I can help!! You will still have to do those things to improve but let me help you identify what some of the issues could be and help you and your coach or trainer!

Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to hearing from you.

Professions: Air Traffic Controller

TPI Certifications

TPI Certified Level 1


How to find me:

Phone: (204)960-5596
Address: 55 Sanctuary Rd, Winnipeg, MB R3R 3K1, Canada

How to contact me

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