Dr. Joseph Arevalo

Dr. Joseph Arevalo

Dr. Joseph Arevalo

Dr. Arevalo specializes in Chronic Pain Management and owns and operates a successful Chiropractic and Acupuncture Clinic in Edinburg, TX down in the Rio Grande Valley. Additional trainings includes Acupuncture, Auricular (ear) acupuncture, Battlefield Acupuncture, myofascial release techniques, Manuthera (spinal table) manipulation techniques, nutrition, as well as strength and conditioning. Dr. Arevalo’s purpose in life is to heal those suffering in pain and support them through their journey. Dr. Arevalo hopes to help those in pain play golf and enjoy life again. Dr. Arevalo lives in Edinburg, TX with his wife and 6 children.

Professions: Acupuncture Medical Professional
Credentials: DC

TPI Certifications

TPI Certified Level 1


How to find me:

Location: Dr. Joseph Arevalo DC, PLLC
Phone: 9563352972
Address: 3202 West Alberta Rd, Edinburg, TX 78539, United States

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