Trail Hip Mobility - SLINGSHOT
Where does power come from? For my money, its the right hip. There are other power producers, but this one is the biggest, and if you're not loading it up on your backswing - and unloading it on your downswing your leaving precious extra yards on the table.
Instead of simply rotating in your backswing, feel more like you're "winding up". Imagine that the bands of a giant slingshot are attached to your right hip - your goal is to stretch the bands to the max. The secret is to keep the rest of your lower body (thighs, knees, feet) stable as you rotate your right hip. When you do it correctly, you'll almost "feel" the bands of the slingshot go taut across the front of your pelvis. Now you're fully loaded. To start your downswing, simply give in to the pull of the slingshot and let it unwind you and the club head at top speed. This move only works if you have sufficient right hip mobility.
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