Advanced 3D Biomechanics
Modern 3D motion capture systems gather an incredible amount of data and information during a single golf swing. Knowing how this data is generated, how to interpret it, and how to identify actionable insights is critical for effective instruction and avoiding common pitfalls with 3D technology.
This online course is focused on providing the technical skills to become an expert in the field of 3D motion analysis, giving coaches and practitioners a powerful tool to improve player performance and a significant point of professional differentiation.
If you are a biomechanist, in the field of sports science, a tech savvy golf professional, or a health and fitness professional looking to master your 3D motion capture system, then this course is for you!

Do you know exactly how your 3D system works?
Learn how motion capture systems gather data and how to interpret data in six degrees of freedom for each body segment via numerical data and graphs.
Are you competent at diagnosing each individual component of the Kinematic Sequence?
Master the Takeaway, Transition and Deceleration Sequences as well as what the optimal acceleration and deceleration profiles look like for the best players in the world.

Follow the power with the Kinematic Sequence to understand if your player is primarily a core loader, shoulder loader or wrist loader.
The motion of the pelvis, thorax, spine and wrists is dynamic, powerful and often misunderstood. Learn how to read the graphs and understand the data generated in all six degrees of freedom for each segment

Are you ready to upgrade your 3D biomechanics diagnostic abilities?
Register now and get started today!
Course Overview and Chapter Highlights
The Kinematic Sequence
The Kinematic Sequence is the MRI of the golf swing, giving practitioners visibility into what’s happening below the surface and providing data that simply cannot be seen via 2D video.
The Deceleration Sequence
The Deceleration Sequence is critical to master in order to understand if your player is generating and transferring power efficiently during their golf swing.
The Transition Sequence
The Transition Sequence can give vital insights into your player’s move from the top of their swing and if the order of their segments firing is leading to efficiency leaks later in the swing.
Derive Insights
Most users of motion capture are unaware that the Kinematic Sequence can be used to derive insights into how their player generates power. This can be helpful for identifying opportunities for improvement or even body segments that could be more vulnerable to overuse.
The Pelvis
Take a deep dive into three locations and three orientations of the pelvis during the golf swing and learn how to identify swing characteristics such as early extension, hip launch, late jumpers and more using just the six Pelvis graphs.
The Thorax
Understand how the Thorax moves during the golf swing and how to identify optimal vs poor movement. Additionally, learn how the biomechanics of the Thorax can be used to identify swing characteristics such as loss of posture, hanging back, sway, and more.
Wrist Sequence
How important are wrist angles and wrist motion during the golf swing? The answer is extremely important, as the wrists give a great indication of what the clubface is doing. Learn to identify how your player’s wrists sequence and if the wrists are impacting their swing in a negative way.
Who is this course for?
This course was created for any industry professional who uses 3D motion capture with their players or receives 3D motion capture data from other members on their player development team.
Does it matter what 3D motion capture system is used in order to get the most out of the course?
If your 3D system generates a kinematic sequence, this course will be of immense value, regardless if it is a three degree or six degree of freedom system. Users of systems that provide six degrees of freedom will gain additional value, as the course dives deep into the six degrees of motion of the pelvis and thorax.
Is this course a TPI Certification course and are there any prerequisites?
Advanced 3D Biomechanics is not a TPI Certification course and there are no prerequisite courses required.
Who are the instructors?
How long is the course?
The run time of the course is just under four hours.