TPI LIVE sessions are only available for Active TPI Certified members

Webinar | August 23rd, 2022

—GETTING INSIDE THE GOLF COMMUNITY—“I have gotten responses from 3-4 head golf pros from clubs around the area and told to get in contact with them at the end of September because they are interested, but too busy at the moment. Should I send them a rough idea of what I have in mind?”
“I’m in SC where clubs are in private plantations and don’t have email addresses on website. What would you do next?”
“I have connected a few golf Pros and even put them through the TPI screens. They loved it. They put up my business cards and info sheet in pro shop but then nothing else happened. Do you have any suggestions on why nothing developed out of this transaction? I continue to reach out to pro but he no longer will get back to me?”
—MARKETING YOUR SERVICES— “Hi guys, Alberto from Italy here 🇮🇹 TPI Medical Professional Level 3. Do you have graphic materials to suggest me?”
—SOCIAL MEDIA—“Do i need an instagram profile to promote me?”
“I also was given the green light by the biggest public course in the area to come up with any ideas for this offseason. Last year I helped with a weekly education seminar, but they are open to fitness classes (limited space), youth fitness training, etc... Any recommendations for the best option? I have a brick and mortar location somewhat close to the course.”
“Which part of the TPI screening will you recommend on a pop-up situation?”
“What do you think of writing an article for club newsletters?”
“TPI Medical Level 2. As the only doctor in the area with this qualification, how do I leverage my background in medicine? Should I charge for my time as a physician or as a golf person?”
“What do you think about promoting Golf Clinics in social media, and propose as a clinical expert for golfers? I have understood that here in Italy it is so difficult to collaborate with the pros…they do not appreciate sharing clients with other professional.”
“How do you frame irresistible offers for golf PT/pain complaints?”
“I have an instagram account that is targeted to people the ages of 25-34 years of age. What kind of social media content do you believe would attract this demographic? I also work in downtown Seattle, so most of this demographic is working for Amazon, Google and Facebook (so they are sitting all the time).”
—PRICING—“how much should we rate a full tpi screening? and how much if we send them some workout and drills through the TPI Pro app?”
“I’m starting a new small group training membership program at our fitness center in at TPC CO. Would you suggest training juniors with adults or keep them separate? Marketing ideas?”
“What if you can only do general screening and the power screen, and don’t feel comfortable making assessments about their swing because I’m a fitness professional and not a golf professional.”

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